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Monday, March 10, 2008

Things before being an entrepreneur?

Courage and Moderate Risk Taking
Yes, this is a first main thing you have to have. You might have heard “High risk high return”. All business have its risk, if you courage enough to fight with that risk, you have a bloody of entrepreneur. There is one book said about “the one meter of your courage”, it has 3 types of space for you to jump; first one you have to jump across one meter pit that down the pit has only water, do you dare to jump? Next, there is the same one meter pit, but down there has a crocodile, do you dare to jump? The last one there is the same one meter pit, but down there is a 300 meters deep hole, do you dare to jump? There are the same one meter pits, but it is depend on you that you courage enough to jump or not.

Action Orientation and Success Orientation
If you want to be an entrepreneur, you should have an intention to work hard on your duty and intend to follow your target mission. All entrepreneurs suppose to work hard, and enjoy with the work. You have to like it, love it and imaging there is one part of your life.

Perception of Opportunities
Have you heard this “money is in the air”; it is truly that everything is money. It is up on you that how will you tell the people to believe and buy your product or service. In many companies always think that how to get money form your pocket as much as they can, so that why we need to have a marketing strategy.

Goal Setting and Continuous Goal Setting
Everything that you are doing have a goal. Goal came from your need, what you want to be and on that need it should focus and concentrate to achieve your goal.

Long Term Perception
You might see CEOs visions for many companies. That is a long term perception for them. Why is it important, because it is a thing that your and your organization should do something to success on that vision. You have to plan what, how, where, when and why your company should on that future.

Motivation and Energy
It is very important for you’re to be an entrepreneur, you have to love what you are doing, and also you have to motivate other people to work like you too.

Response to Failure
Every road always has threat; this sentence would be best common for easy understanding. When you are doing a business, you should put down your broken heart (fail) to one hand. It can be a teacher that gives you an experience. Also this experience will be the strong energy for you to run on the future. Don’t feel the fail is bad thing. It is a good thing for you; you will have a knowledge protector in your business life.

Problem-Solving Behaviors
Individual or group work is one thing that you will receive in your business life. When you have discuss with all people such as; partner, customer, supplier or yourself you might feel that why this happened, but in fact the problem that give a strong knowledge in to your business life. If we are looking to people, we have a lot of diffidence idea for individual. Some people can work with other, but some can’t. That’s why we have to study on human behavior or managing behavior, to study why people act like this.

These are only one simple part of entrepreneur character. Mostly all knowledge will come out when you step on business. You will look for how to be survive from all situation of business. Its can say that Your Experience is a big important part of all.

Will you start for now???

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