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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

S2 Dynamic Tracer And Decompiler For Gdb

Decompiling is very useful for understanding srtipped binaries, most dissasemblers like IDA or Hopper have a plugin for decompiling binaries, generating a c like pseudocode.

Static analysis, is very useful in most of cases, specially when the binary is not so big, or when you just have an address where to start to analyze. But some algorithms will be learned in less time by dynamic analysis like tracing or debugging.

In cookiemonsters team, we are working on several tracers with different focus, but all of them mix the concept of tracing and decompiling to generate human-readable traces.

S2 is my tracer & decompiler plugin for gdb, very useful for ctfs.
Some of the features are:

- signed/unsigned detecion
- conditional pseudocode (if)
- syscall resolution
- unroll bucles
- used registers values
- mem states
- strings
- logging

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Fast Emulator For Shellcodes In Rust

I have developed a fast emulator for modern shellcodes, that perform huge loops of millions of instructions emulated for resolving API or for other stuff.

The emulator is in Rust and all the few dependencies as well, so the rust safety is good for emulating malware.  

There are shellcodes that can be emulated from the beginning to the end, but when this is not possible the tool has many features that can be used like a console, a memory tracing, register tracing, and so on.

In less than two seconds we have emulated 7 millions of instructions arriving to the recv. 

At this point we have some  IOC like  the ip:port where it's connecting and other details.

Lets see what happens after the recv() spawning a console at position: 7,012,204

target/release/scemu -f shellcodes/shikata.bin -vv -c 7012204

In the console, pressing "enter" several times to emulate  step into several steps and we arrive to a return instruction.

Let's see the stack in this moment:

The "ret" instruction is going to jump to the buffer read with recv() so is a kind of stager.

The option "-e" or "--endpoint" is not ready for now, but it will allow to proxy the calls to get the next  stage automatically, but for now we have the details to get the stage.

SCEMU also identify all the Linux  syscalls for 32bits shellcodes:

The encoder used in shellgen is also supported

Let's check with cobalt-strike:

We can see where is connecting and which headers is using, so right now we can replicate the communications.

In verbose mode we could do several greps to see the calls and correlate with ghidra/ida/radare or  for example grep the branches to study the emulation flow.

target/release/scemu -f shellcodes/rshell_sgn.bin -vv | grep j

target/release/scemu -f shellcodes/rshell_sgn.bin -vv -c 44000 -l

The -l --loops options makes the emulation a bit slower but track the number of iterations.

Is possible to print all the registers in every step with  -r or --registers  but also is possible to track  specific register for example with --reg esi

target/release/scemu -f shellcodes/shikata.bin --reg esi 

In this case ESI register points to the API name, if we track EAX or ECX will see that are the counters of the loop. These shellcodes  contains a hard loop to locate the API names.

The flag -i or --inspect allow to monitor memory using expressions like "dword ptr [eax + 0xa]"

target/release/scemu -f shellcodes/shikata.bin -i 'dword ptr [esi]'

And more things to come...  find a demo below:

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Collection Of Pcap Files From Malware Analysis

Update: Feb 19. 2015

We have been adding pcaps to the collection so remember to check out the folder ( Pcap collection) for the recent pcaps.

I had a project to test some malicious and exploit pcaps and collected a lot of them (almost 1000) from various public sources. You can see them in the PUBLIC folder. The credits go to the authors of the pcaps listed in the name of each file. Please visit their blogs and sites to see more information about the pcaps, see their recent posts, and send them thanks. The public pcaps have no passwords on them.

Update:Dec 13. 2014 

Despite rare updates of this post, we have been adding pcaps to the collection so remember to check out the folder ( Pcap collection (New link)) for the recent pcaps!

Update:Dec 31. 2013 - added new pcaps

I did some spring cleaning yesterday and came up with these malware and exploit pcaps. Such pcaps are very useful for IDS and signature testing and development, general education, and malware identification. While there are some online public sandboxes offering pcaps for download like Cuckoo or Anubis but  looking for them is a tedious task and you cannot be totally sure the pcap is for the malware family supposedly analysed - in other words, if the sandbox says it is Zeus does not necessarily mean that it is.

I found some good pcap repositories here ( but there are very few pcaps from malware.

These are from identified and verified (to the best of my knowledge and belief - email me if you find errors) malware samples.

All of them show the first stage with the initial callback and most have the DNS requests as well. A few pcaps show extended malware runs (e.g. purplehaze pcap is over 500mb).
Most pcaps are mine, a few are from online sandboxes, and one is borrowed from That said, I can probably find the corresponding samples for all that have MD5 listed if you really need them. Search contagio, some are posted with the samples.

Each file has the following naming convention:
BIN [RTF, PDF] - the filetype of the dropper used, malware family name, MD5, and year+month of the malware analysis.

I will be adding more pcaps in the future. Please donate your pcaps from identified samples, I am sure many of you have.

Thank you


Download all together or separately.

All pcaps archives have the same password (same scheme), email me if you need it. I tried posting it without any passwords and pass infected but they get flagged as malware. Modern AV rips though zips and zips with the pass 'infected' with ease.


  1. 2012-12-31 BIN_Xinmic_8761F29AF1AE2D6FACD0AE5F487484A5-pcap
  2. 2013-09-08 BIN_TrojanPage_86893886C7CBC7310F7675F4EFDE0A29-pcap
  3. 2013-09-08 BIN_Darkcomet_DC98ABBA995771480AECF4769A88756E-pcap
  4. 2013-09-02 8202_tbd_ 6D2C12085F0018DAEB9C1A53E53FD4D1-pcap
  5. 2013-09-02 BIN_8202_6d2c12085f0018daeb9c1a53e53fd4d1-pcap
  6. 2013-09-02 BIN_Vidgrab_6fd868e68037040c94215566852230ab-pcap
  7. 2013-09-02 BIN_PlugX_2ff2d518313475a612f095dd863c8aea-pcap
  8. 2013-09-02 BIN_Taidoor_46ef9b0f1419e26f2f37d9d3495c499f-pcap
  9. 2013-09-02 BIN_Vidgrab_660709324acb88ef11f71782af28a1f0-pcap
  10. 2013-09-02
  11. 2013-07-15 BIN_Taleret.E_5328cfcb46ef18ecf7ba0d21a7adc02c.pcap
  12. 2013-05-14 BIN_Mediana_0AE47E3261EA0A2DBCE471B28DFFE007_2012-10.pcap
  13. 2013-05-14 BIN_Hupigon_8F90057AB244BD8B612CD09F566EAC0C
  14. 2013-05-14 BIN_LetsGo_yahoosb_b21ba443726385c11802a8ad731771c0_2011-07-19
  15. 2013-05-13 BIN_IXESHE_0F88D9B0D237B5FCDC0F985A548254F2-2013-05-pcap
  16. 2013-05-06 BIN_DNSWatch_protux_4F8A44EF66384CCFAB737C8D7ADB4BB8_2012-11-pcap
  17. 2013-05-06 BIN_9002_D4ED654BCDA42576FDDFE03361608CAA_2013-01-30-pcap
  18. 2013-05-06 BIN_BIN_RssFeeder_68EE5FDA371E4AC48DAD7FCB2C94BAC7-2012-06-pcap (not a common name, see the traffic ssheet )
  19. 2013-04-30 BIN_MSWab_Yayih_FD1BE09E499E8E380424B3835FC973A8_us-pcap
  20. 2013-04-29 BIN_LURK_AF4E8D4BE4481D0420CCF1C00792F484_20120-10-pcap
  21. 2013-04-29 BIN_XTremeRAT_DAEBFDED736903D234214ED4821EAF99_2013-04-13-pcap
  22. BIN_Enfal_Lurid_0fb1b0833f723682346041d72ed112f9_2013-01.pcap
  23. BIN_Gh0st_variant-v2010_B1D09374006E20FA795B2E70BF566C6D_2012-08.pcap
  24. BIN_Likseput_E019E37F19040059AB5662563F06B609_2012-10.pcap
  25. BIN_Nettravler_1f26e5f9b44c28b37b6cd13283838366.pcap
  26. BIN_Nettravler_DA5832657877514306EDD211DEF61AFE_2012-10.pcap
  27. BIN_Sanny-Daws_338D0B855421867732E05399A2D56670_2012-10.pcap
  28. BIN_Sofacy_a2a188cbf74c1be52681f998f8e9b6b5_2012-10.pcap
  29. BIN_Taidoor_40D79D1120638688AC7D9497CC819462_2012-10.pcap
  30. BIN_TrojanCookies_840BD11343D140916F45223BA05ABACB_2012_01.pcap
  31. PDF_CVE-2011-2462_Pdf_2011-12.pcap
  32. RTF_Mongall_Dropper_Cve-2012-0158_C6F01A6AD70DA7A554D48BDBF7C7E065_2013-01.pcap
  33. OSX_DocksterTrojan.pcap


  1. 2013-11-12_BIN_ChePro_2A5E5D3C536DA346849750A4B8C8613A-1.pcap
  2. 2013-10-15_BIN_cryptolocker_9CBB128E8211A7CD00729C159815CB1C.pcap
  3. 2013-09-20_BIN_Lader-dlGameoverZeus_12cfe1caa12991102d79a366d3aa79e9.pcap
  4. 2013-09-08 BIN_Tijcont_845B0945D5FE0E0AAA16234DC21484E0-pcap
  5. 2013-09-08
  6. 2013-08-19 BIN_Nitedrem_508af8c499102ad2ebc1a83fdbcefecb-pcap
  7. 2013-08-17 BIN_sality_CEAF4D9E1F408299144E75D7F29C1810-pcap
  8. 2013-08-15
  9. 2013-13-08 EK_popads_109.236.80.170_2013-08-13.pcap
  10. 2013-11-08 BIN_Alinav5.3_4C754150639AA3A86CA4D6B6342820BE.pcap
  11. 2013-08-08 BIN_BitcoinMiner_F865C199024105A2FFDF5FA98F391D74-pcap
  12. 2013-08-07 BIN_ZeroAccess_Sirefef_C2A9CCC8C6A6DF1CA1725F955F991940_2013-08-pcap
  13. 2013-07-05 BIN_Kuluoz-Asprox_9F842AD20C50AD1AAB41F20B321BF84B
  14. 2013-05-31 Wordpress-Mutopy_Symmi_20A6EBF61243B760DD65F897236B6AD3-2pcap.pcap
  15. 2013-05-15 BIN_Zeus_b1551c676a54e9127cd0e7ea283b92cc-2012-04.pcap
  16. 2013-05-15 BIN_Gypthoy_3EE49121300384FF3C82EB9A1F06F288-2013-05.pcap
  17. 2013-05-12 BIN_PassAlert_B4A1368515C6C39ACEF63A4BC368EDB2-2013-05-13
  18. 2013-05-12 BIN_HorstProxy_EFE5529D697174914938F4ABF115F762-2013-05-13-pcap
  19. 2013-05-12 BIN_Bitcoinminer_12E717293715939C5196E604591A97DF-2013-05-12-pcap
  20. 2013-05-07 BIN_ZeroAccess_Sirefef_29A35124ABEAD63CD8DB2BBB469CBC7A_2013-05-pcapc
  21. 2013-05-05 BIN_PowerLoader_4497A231DA9BD0EEA327DDEC4B31DA12_2013-05-pcap
  22. 2013-05-05 BIN_GameThief_ECBA0FEB36F9EF975EE96D1694C8164C_2013-03-pcap
  23. 2013-05-05 BIN_PowerLoader_4497A231DA9BD0EEA327DDEC4B31DA12_2013-05-pcap
  24. 2013-04-27 EK_BIN_Blackhole_leadingto_Medfos_0512E73000BCCCE5AFD2E9329972208A_2013-04-pcap
  25. 2013-04-26 -- BIN_Citadel_3D6046E1218FB525805E5D8FDC605361-2013-04-samp 
  26. BIN_CitadelPacked_2012-05.pcap
  27. BIN_CitadelUnpacked_2012-05.pcap
  28. BIN_Cutwail_284Fb18Fab33C93Bc69Ce392D08Fd250_2012-10.pcap
  29. BIN_Darkmegi_2012-04.pcap
  30. BIN_DarknessDDoS_v8g_F03Bc8Dcc090607F38Ffb3A36Ccacf48_2011-01.pcap-
  31. BIN_dirtjumper_2011-10.pcap
  32. BIN_DNSChanger_2011-12.pcap
  33. BIN_Drowor_worm_0f015bb8e2f93fd7076f8d178df2450d_2013-04.pcap
  34. BIN_Googledocs_macadocs_2012-12.pcap
  35. BIN_Imaut_823e9bab188ad8cb30c14adc7e67066d.pcap
  36. BIN_IRCbot_c6716a417f82ccedf0f860b735ac0187_2013-04.pcap
  37. BIN_Kelihos_aka_Nap_0feaaa4adc31728e54b006ab9a7e6afa.pcap
  38. BIN_LoadMoney_MailRu_dl_4e801b46068b31b82dac65885a58ed9e_2013-04 .pcap
  39. BIN_purplehaze-2012-01.pcap
  40. BIN_ponyloader_470a6f47de43eff307a02f53db134289.pcap
  41. BIN_Ramnitpcap_2012-01.pcap
  42. BIN_Reedum_0ca4f93a848cf01348336a8c6ff22daf_2013-03.pcap
  43. BIN_SpyEye_2010-02.pcap
  44. BIN_Stabuniq_F31B797831B36A4877AA0FD173A7A4A2_2012-12.pcap
  45. BIN_Tbot_23AAB9C1C462F3FDFDDD98181E963230_2012-12.pcap
  46. BIN_Tbot_2E1814CCCF0C3BB2CC32E0A0671C0891_2012-12.pcap
  47. BIN_Tbot_5375FB5E867680FFB8E72D29DB9ABBD5_2012-12.pcap
  48. BIN_Tbot_A0552D1BC1A4897141CFA56F75C04857_2012-12.pcap
  49. BIN_Tbot_FC7C3E087789824F34A9309DA2388CE5_2012-12.pcap
  50. BIN_Tinba_2012-06.pcap
  51. BIN_Vobfus_634AA845F5B0B519B6D8A8670B994906_2012-12.pcap
  52. BIN_Xpaj_2012-05.pcap
  53. BIN_ZeroAccess_3169969E91F5FE5446909BBAB6E14D5D_2012-10.pcap
  54. BIN_ZeusGameover_2012-02.pcap
  55. BIN_Zeus_2010-12.pcap
  56. EK_Blackholev1_2012-03.pcap
  57. EK_Blackholev1_2012-08.pcap
  58. EK_Blackholev2_2012-09.pcap
  59. EK_Blackhole_Java_CVE-2012-4681_2012-08.pcap
  60. EK_Phoenix_2012-04.pcap
  61. EK_Smokekt150(Malwaredontneedcoffee)_2012-09.pcap -  credit

More info

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Top 10 Great Gifts For The Hacker In Your Life

Give gifts this holiday season that inspires your favorite hackers to make something great. Our ten top picks for gifts to make 'em smile are perfect for hackers of all styles, ages, and interests.
Holiday gift guides always struggle when faced with nailing down a list for hackers — that's because hackers are as diverse in their interests and fascinations as they are diverse in gender, color, size and everything else. Someone with a multi-focused set of curiosity and unique gifts for finding out what makes the crackable crack may seem like a daunting individual to stuff a stocking for … but don't fret. With a keen eye on the latest interests in hacker culture, we've got a gift guide that can make the hacker in your life smile as they enjoy using your gift to hack and explore throughout the coming year.
The Onion Pi-Iemhacker
Anonymity online: The Onion Pi
One of the most popular "snake oil" (fake) privacy gadgets is the so-called "Tor in a box" — a plug-and-play gadget that promises to make you anonymous online. Nearly all of these are made by clueless charlatans whose products put you at risk for privacy and security breaches. But your favorite hacker can just make or build an "Onion Pi" for $69.95, and with this free tutorial.

Attribution Dice
With Attribution Dice ($20), anyone can be a high-priced security consultant, and predict breach headlines before PR firms have a chance to feed them to reporters! With every security breach, hackers roll their eyes when headlines and PR firms roll out the same old, same old terms, methods and culprits. Instead of rolling eyes, your hacker can roll the dice, and wow friends, family, and neighbors with their hacker cyber-powers.
21 Bitcoin Computer
Money is always a welcome gift. Give the gift of going hands-on with Bitcoin with the 21 Bitcoin Computer. "The 21 Bitcoin Computer is ideal for buying and selling digital goods and services. You can use it to create bitcoin-payable APIs, set up your own personal digital goods store, pay people to share your content online, or host online games of skill." It's not cheap ($395) and comes with controversy, but it's a cool toy with a lot of potential, and 21 Inc. is going to be releasing an open source package for the device soon.
Gentleman's Bogota Lockpicks and Clear Practice Lock
Conventional wisdom suggests that all hackers know how to pick locks, but can they do it in style? A perfect stocking stuffer for slick hackers of all genders is the Gentleman's Bogota lockpick set ($34.95). These featherweights pin discreetly to a collar, hat, sleeve, vest, hemline, or wherever they choose. If the hacker you're shopping for wants to learn to lockpick, or just brush up on technique, throw in the clever Clear Practice Lock ($34.95).
Inverse Path USB Armory
In this reviewer's opinion, every hacker should have a USB Armory in their stocking this year. The Inverse Path USB Armory ($130) is a little USB stick with an entire computer onboard (800MHz ARM processor, 512MB RAM), designed to be a portable platform for personal security applications — and lives up to its reputation as "the Swiss Army Knife of security devices."
Hack-A-Day Gift Card
The cornerstone of hacker culture Hack-A-Day has a store offering gift cards and merchandise a-plenty. In it, you'll find a Bukito portable 3D printer ($899.97), ever-popular Facedancer21 and Gootfet42, a low energy Bluetooth Arduino microcontroller called the Lightblue Bean, and the pocket-sized open source robot arm, Mearm.
Hackers 20th Anniversary Blu-Ray Edition
Hack the planet! The 20th anniversary of influential 1995 cyberpunk film "Hackers" was this year, and this cult classic got a special edition Blu-ray release, making it the must-have for the hackers in your life. The 20th anniversary "Hackers" Blu-ray features an hour-long "making of" documentary, rich video and audio transfer for the film itself, and interviews with: Cast members Matthew Lillard, Fisher Stevens, and Penn Jillette; hacking consultants Nicholas Jarecki and Emmanuel Goldstein; Director Iain Softley, and many more involved with the film's production and style.
A Hacker's hope for better sleep: The Re-Timer
Hackers are increasingly hacking themselves to make their own systems run better, and one thing hackers struggle with is their sleep cycles and feeling rested. Something that can help out is the Re-Timer ($299), a retro-future looking set of glasses and kit that adjusts the circadian rhythm and suppresses the body's production of melatonin (the sleepy hormone our bodies produce which makes us feel tired). Based on 25 years of research and on the market worldwide for three years, the Re-Timer has its own jet lag calculator app, as well as its Sleep App for Fitbit that makes a customized schedule based on actual sleep tracked.
USB Rubber Ducky Deluxe and LAN Turtle
A longtime favorite with hackers, penetration testers and IT professionals, the USB Rubber Ducky Deluxe ($42.99)is a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android) testing and experimentation device that is detected as a keyboard — imagine the possibilities. This stocking stuffer pairs well with its animal friend LAN Turtle ($50), a covert sysadmin and pentest tool for remote access, network intel gathering, and man-in-the-middle monitoring through a simple graphic shell (all in a generic USB ethernet adapter case).
TechShop Gift Certificate
Give the gift of hacking and making: A gift certificate to a TechShop. "Part fabrication and prototyping studio, part hackerspace, and part learning center, TechShop provides access to over $1 million worth of professional equipment and software. We offer comprehensive instruction and expert staff to ensure you have a safe, meaningful and rewarding experience." There are TechShops in Arizona, California, Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia/Washington, D.C. (some states have multiple locations). Future locations include St. Louis, MO and Paris, France.
Products to avoid
If you see these products, run! You're better off with a lump of coal. Don't waste precious holiday money on "snake oil" privacy and security products like these:
  • Anonabox
  • Wemagin
  • Webcloak
  • iGuardian (now SHIELD)
  • LogMeOnce
  • Sever: The Anti-Villain Box
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